Rutherford Falls, an NBC comedy now airing on the network’s streaming service Peacock, is filled with anti-white deadpanning.
The show centers on Nathan Rutherford (Ed Helms), a white man who is an arrogant town leader blindly defending his ancestor who found the fictional upstate New York town in 1683. That founder, Lawrence Rutherford, founded the town by breaking a treaty with the fictional Minishonka tribe and the series follows the white townspeople as they defend their town and the local Indian groups who protest them for being, well, bad white people.
On the other side of the issue is Terry Thomas (Michael Greyeyes), a Native leader who owns the Indian casino in the area. He justifies his ruthless version of capitalism by insisting that it is payback to the evil whites who kept his people down and stole their lands.
In one episode, for instance, Thomas — who proudly displays a photo of himself and Michelle Obama — claims that his capitalism is different from white capitalism because his casino “distributes revenue” to the members of the tribe.