Dr. Drew and Los Angeles’ homeless industrial complex

What makes this a con, if it isn’t already obvious, is that a lot of people who are not helping the homeless are making a ton of money for talking about helping the homeless.

I’m going to coin a new word, so please add it to your spell-check dictionary.

The word is “con-passion.” Used in a sentence: “The homeless industrial complex deployed the usual con-passion arguments to block the nomination of Dr. Drew Pinsky to the commission that oversees the Los Angeles County Homeless Services Authority, where employees draw six-figure salaries for failing to help the homeless.”

Con-passion is what you hear when well-paid activists insist that it’s not compassionate to discuss treatment for substance use disorder or severe mental illness in relation to solving the homelessness crisis. Con-passion is the smug look on the faces of government officials who hand their friends billions of tax dollars for salaries and contracts in the name of helping the homeless. Con-passion is the policy of providing tents, food and monthly government checks to people who are dying of drug addiction.


Complete text linked here.

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