After migrating from Syria as a child during the Obama administration, he, and many others like him, has been inundated with relentless propaganda about how he is a victim of a racist and “Islamophobic” society that will never give him a fair shake, and is institutionally determined to make sure he will never succeed.
The man who murdered ten people in a Boulder, Colorado supermarket Monday has been identified as a Muslim migrant ISIS sympathizer named Ahmad Al Issa (which is how he himself wrote his name on his Facebook and Twitter accounts, not “Alissa” as the establishment media has been spelling it). This identification immediately destroyed the narrative that leftist “journalists” ran with all of Monday evening and Tuesday morning, that the shooter was one of those “right-wing extremists” – you know, those people who are, according to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, the “most lethal and persistent” threat the U.S. faces today. Ironically, while Al Issa is clearly not the “white supremacist” of leftist fantasy, he is just as plainly a product of the leftist subculture that is so prevalent in America today.
On his Facebook and Twitter accounts, which have both been taken down, Al Issa demonstrated beyond the shadow of any doubt that he is a convinced, committed leftist. On September 18, 2018, he wrote on his Facebook page above a photo of Donald Trump (in all the quotes from Al Issa’s social media, the spelling and grammar are as in the original): “He inherited a growing economy and the unemployment rate was low the economy was on an upward spiral he won because of racism.” That same day, he wrote over a link to a Washington Post story excoriating Trump for his supposed mistreatment of refugees: “Trumps such a d**k.”