The group of intellectually diverse black leaders, in their letter, criticize Smith College President Kathleen McCartney “for failing to honor the rights of the accused, publicly shaming them, and completely disregarding the pursuit of truth and justice,” according to a news release.
Dozens of conservative and independent-minded black leaders, including several prominent professors, are calling on Smith College to make right for its role in a hate-crime hoax that rocked the nation.
“We didn’t march so that Americans of any race could be presumed guilty and punished for false accusations while the elite institution that employed them cowered in fear of a social media mob,” states the memo, put together by the 1776 Unites program and the Woodson Center.
Smith College was home to the infamous 2018 “eating while black” incident in which a female student claimed she was targeted and harassed while eating lunch on campus because she is black.
Several months after the allegations made national headlines, a law firm completely cleared those involved of any wrongdoing, racial or otherwise.