Professor Glenn Loury of Brown University shredded racial activists for “bluffing” as they turn a blind eye to black-on-black crime and other issues in the black community. Loury said that the forced silence of black people in talking about these issues will prompt more non-blacks to speak up, eventually exposing Ibram X. Kendi and others as an “empty suit.”
Glenn Loury, a Brown University economics professor, shredded racial activists for “bluffing” as they fail to address Black-on-Black crime and other issues plaguing the Black community.
On an episode of his podcast, The Glenn Show, Loury told co-host and Columbia University professor John McWhorter that certain issues in the Black community are neglected.
“We’re in an equilibrium, as economists might say,” explained Loury. “We’re in a stable, ongoing situation where there are tacit agreements not to talk about certain things. Not to talk about Black-on-Black crime as the scourge that it is. Not to talk about affirmative action as being necessary because of Black mediocrity, not measuring up on the competitive edge.”