US Becomes First Country In The World To Formally Declare China Is Committing ‘Genocide’ Against Uighur Muslims

Pompeo claimed that the atrocities being carried out against Uighurs are still “ongoing” and represent “the systematic attempt to destroy Uyghurs by the Chinese party-state.”

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo declared Tuesday that the Chinese Communist Party is committing “genocide” against Uighur Muslims, making the United States the first country to formally do so.

“For the past four years, this Administration has exposed the nature of the Chinese Communist Party and called it what it is: a Marxist-Leninist regime that exerts power over the long-suffering Chinese people through brainwashing and brute force. We have paid particular attention to the CCP’s treatment of the Uyghur people, a Muslim minority group that resides largely in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in Western China,” Pompeo wrote in a statement released on his last full day as Secretary of State.

“Their morally repugnant, wholesale policies, practices, and abuses are designed systematically to discriminate against and surveil ethnic Uyghurs as a unique demographic and ethnic group, restrict their freedom to travel, emigrate, and attend schools, and deny other basic human rights of assembly, speech, and worship.”


Complete text linked here.

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