New York Times: Tiki Bars Need ‘Reclaiming’ Because Racism

The problem Katz and McGiff have is that the two California entrepreneurs who made tiki bars wildly popular were white guys. A lot of predictable social justice warrior filler follows. “Cultural appropriation” and “imperialism” get mentioned. Apparently “tiki” can be a trigger word too. That’s probably something that no one would know — or even believe — had this article not been written.

Welcome dear readers to the fourteen billionth “Not the Onion” moment from The New York Times  that’s occurred just this year.

What a tedious, wearisome thing it must be to have to live the modern American progressive lifestyle. They truly believe that everything is awful, despite the fact that by almost every objective measure Americans are living pretty good lives even here in 2020.

One of the biggest drags on their collective psyche is the fact that they see racism EVERYWHERE. I will concede that modern American society still has some problems with racism if you look at the things that are actually, you know, racist. There is still enough of that floating around out there that nobody should have to contort themselves to see racism in places where people would normally never think to look.

Like tiki bars.


Complete text linked here.

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