2020: America’s wake-up call

Pat Buchanan cites ways Beijing has emboldened itself geopolitically

Who could have predicted how dreadful a year 2020 would be.

By this New Year’s Eve, 19 million to 20 million Americans will have contracted a deadly virus in a pandemic that exploded out of China to carry off 333,000 Americans, one of every 1,000 of us.

As 2021 begins, Americans will be dying at the rate of 10,000 a week and contracting the virus at a rate of more than 1 million new cases a week.

Yet, during that same year, miracles occurred. Vaccines were created, tested and mass-produced by Pfizer and Moderna that could, with 95% effectiveness, stop this virus cold.

If Americans can reach “herd immunity” – from having caught and survived the virus or having been vaccinated against it – the COVID-19 pandemic might be contained by the summer of 2021.


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