He isn’t against immigration. He is against illegal immigration and using race and stereotype to push an agenda just to get votes. He’s against people hiring 200 illegal aliens for less than minimum wage to push you and your company off a job site. He’s against the displacement of Americans and the destruction of the American Dream.
We always hear of the “white racist” Amnesty protesters. It is time to hear from an American, who has experienced the heartache of what is happening in California. One man’s epic rebuttal to Amnesty at the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors meeting is another side of the coin to what the MSM portrays of the situation on the border.
We all heard of the bus in Modesto being stopped from transporting and dumping off illegal alien “children,” and how racist we were to turn that bus away, despite ample evidence that it is not just children coming over the border and some of the “children” are even contract killers for the drug cartels.
Along with cash assistance for illegal aliens, driver’s licenses establishing residency (despite being illegal), and the influx of illegal aliens in the polls, the MSM also tends to ignore Americans hurt by illegal immigration.
Most people forget there was a push by the left for Amnesty in 2006, similar to what there is today. Raymond Herrera spoke from the heart about what was really happening in the Southern Border States. Movies like The Border from Little Bighorn Productions warned us what was happening.