“But it’s bigger than that. The criminalization of politics is a political strategy that the left uses. It’s right there in Saul Alinsky’s book, ‘Rules of a Radical,’ where if you can’t beat them at the ballot box, you put them in jail, put them in their grave and dance on their grave. It’s a working strategy.”
President Barack Obama is a textbook Marxist who is trying to steer the country in that direction, but the American people are not buying it, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay said Thursday on Newsmax TV’s ”America’s Forum.”
“He’s as left as you can get, he’s one of those radical leftists, we all know that,” DeLay said. “He is a Marxist. He was raised by Marxist grandparents, he was raised in that community. He is a Marxist and the left has accelerated since he’s been president. That’s the bad news. The good news is the American people are seeing it up front and personal and that’s why you saw the election in 2010 and you’ll see it in this election. The people are starting to reject this leftist progressivism that they know that isn’t America, is not constitutional, and they’re rejecting it and that’s encouraging to me.”
Conservatives need to come together, set an agenda and make sure the United States does not veer off course, said DeLay, who spoke to host J.D. Hayworth about warring factions within the GOP and how the party might unite.