Beck remarked: “These walls are going to come to life in several different layers, so you will feel like you are landing on the beaches of Normandy. In fact, the designers have told us that they think it might be a little too intense for small children and some combat veterans.”
Glenn Beck on Monday revealed that he is preparing a four dimensional experience to simulate what it felt like to land on the beaches of Normandy during World War II.
“This is going to be our first 4D experiment,” Beck said on his television program. “Someday I want to build a museum, an American history museum. But I want to build it in a way that kids will never, ever forget. So we are doing something in this studio, it’ll be our first history museum exhibit that will hopefully come to life for you.”
The experience will be a part of the Miracles and Massacres Museum, open from October 10 to October 11 at Beck’s studios in Las Colinas, Texas. The charity Beck founded, Mercury One, will be hosting its annual “God, Guns, and Giving” charity event in Dallas the same weekend.