Technology has changed the way people consume content, and you can look no further than sluggish record sales, slumping box office figures, and declining television ratings to see the impact it is having on the traditional media and entertainment entities. On radio this morning, Glenn admitted he is not sure what the future holds and what will constitute “success” under this ever-evolving model.
“I think we could be out of business – I don’t mean just us, I mean anybody like us – in the next two years,” Glenn said. “Everything is changing. I don’t know what to do about it, but everything is changing.”
Jeffy offered an interesting example of this shift. He follows an artist on Twitter who recently posted “a random selfie of a girl in her underwear” that garnered some 500,000 likes and 1.5 million shares compared to an original piece of art that received just 387 likes and 14 shares.
“His conclusion is selfies are more appreciated than artworks,” Jeffy said. “What is the purpose of art? What is the purpose of Facebook?”
“This is an argument people are having everywhere,” Glenn added. “The world is being redesigned right now. Everybody is so busy holding onto what they have, they are going to be in the dust bin of history. I’m telling you now: The best minds in the world are trying to redesign it. It doesn’t work this way anymore.”
Complete text and video linked here.