Ferguson Protesters Vow More Violence, Threaten to Shut Down Rams, Cardinals Games

Ferguson demonstrators stormed a St. Louis County Council meeting on Tuesday evening and threatened more violence and to shut down St. Louis Rams and Cardinals games if the officer who shot Michael Brown to death is not arrested or indicted.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that “protesters demanded the arrest of Darren Wilson, the police officer who shot 18-year-old Michael Brown to death on a Ferguson street five weeks ago, the removal of County Prosecutor Robert McCulloch from the Brown case, the resignations of County Police Chief Jon Belmar and Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson and accountability from the elected county legislative arm.”

“If Darren Wilson gets off, you all better bring every army you all have got. ’Cause it’s going down,” one speaker reportedly said, according to the Post-Dispatch. Another speaker reportedly told council members, “You are ISIS to black people.”

Speakers also reportedly “threatened to shut down St. Louis Cardinals and Rams games this Sunday, disrupt weekend grocery shopping trips throughout the area and mount massive demonstrations if the Cardinals reach the World Series.” They compared officer Wilson and police officers to “war criminals” and the “St. Louis County government to the Ku Klux Klan” while drawing “analogies between the St. Louis region and Jim Crow laws.”


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