Bolton says her only chance for presidency is to pretend moderation.
Hillary Clinton’s only chance for the presidency is to persuade Americans that Barack Obama’s foreign policy is fundamentally sound and that she’s more moderate than Obama is, says former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton.
“She still is yet to separate herself from his foreign policy, and I don’t think she can because she was part of it,” Bolton said on Aaron Klein’s Investigative Radio Sunday night.
“Some people believe for whatever reason that somehow she’s more moderate – forget about it. I knew her and her husband in law school. I think the way you are in graduate school is pretty much the way you are. She was very comfortable in the radical Obama administration. Let’s just look at domestic affairs. Do you think Obamacare is materially different from Hillarycare, the proposal of the Clinton administration in ’93 and ’94? Absolutely not. If you like Obama, you’ll love Clinton.”
Complete text and video linked here.