‘Progressive Moral Depravity’: A Confederacy of Dunces

“Multiculturalism is a Moral Autoimmune disorder.”

There’s a wonderful book, A Confederacy of Dunces, the title of which refers to an epigraph from Jonathan Swift’s essay, “Thoughts on Various Subjects, Moral and Diverting”: “When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.” I was reminded of it this week when the confederacy of dunces both here and in Great Britain seems to have linked arms against the genius of Western civilization and the long-suffering middle class which has for so long sustained it.

Key players in the confederacy are perpetually offended feminists who find patriarchal tyranny lurking behind every pronoun and university library stack. This week we learned to our horror that in Rotherham, England over a 16-year period 1,400 children — mostly white girls — were raped by multiple Pakistani Moslem men and they were beaten, raped, abducted, drugged, threatened into compliance, and trafficked around Northern England. Worse, the situation was widely known to the police, the city council members, and countless child welfare workers, all of whom refused to do anything to bring the miscreants to justice and stop the abuse. The story has legs and reports are already coming in of similar stories in other towns and cities in England and elsewhere in Europe.


Complete text linked here.

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