Ted Nugent wants to ‘show the world that we the people are still in charge’.
As the swirling dust settles on what has been the greatest rock ‘n’ roll tour of my life, I sit here slamming out another WND piece on my beautiful Texas SpiritWild Ranch, and the old MotorCity guitar player smiles knowingly that my American Dream remains at peak operating condition at the tender age of 65.8 years.
Somebody pinch me or just slap me silly!
Already knee deep into what will be the greatest hunting season of my lifetime of hunting, it has never been better to be Ted Nugent than here in the fall of 2014.
All the important things in life are dead-nuts in the ten ring for me and my family, and we thank God every day for all we have and all we are.
I look to the heavens on a daily basis, awestruck at my good fortunes.
I can gauge my happiness on any number of life’s most meaningful priorities and come away smiling broadly.