While talking with the other farmers about the union, Silvia Lopez found that “more than ninety percent of the workers don’t want them.”
Farmers rallied in California Tuesday to demand their votes get counted on whether to decertify their union.
“Last November Gerawan workers held a decertification election but the California Agricultural Labor Relations Board (ALRB) is refusing to count the votes” explained a statement by the Center for Worker Freedom.
The decertification election was held to determine if employees at Gerawan Farming Inc. in Fresno California wanted to keep United Farm Workers (UFW) as their union. Decertification proponents claim UFW hasn’t represented or advocated for the farmers in twenty years only to come back and demand 3 percent of their wage.
The Center for Worker Freedom denounced the ALRB for “a flagrant attempt to help the UFW rob the workers of their hard-earned money.”
The group has launched a statewide campaign which included billboards and this most recent rally in order to pressure California lawmakers to make the ALRB count the votes.