The Funeral of the Stars

Michael Brown’s funeral to be major event.

The events that have unfolded in Ferguson, Missouri since the shooting death of Michael Brown have been nothing short of a media spectacular, reaching a peak at one point where even the CNN reporters were admitting on air that there were more reporters in the “mob” than actual protesters or rioters. But the spectacle is not yet complete.

This morning, Jake Tapper tweeted the guest list of some of the big names expected to attend.

The eulogy will be delivered by Al Sharpton.

Brown was shot six times by a police officer after being stopped on a street in Ferguson under still very questionable circumstances. It is a tragedy when any 18-year old kid is killed, even if as a result of a bad decision, as some believe. But the funeral may not be as much a somber remembrance and goodbye for family and friends as it will a political rally and opportunity for grandstanding, posturing, and self-aggrandizement. One thing is certain: the press will be there in force to let us know which.

Original source.

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