She says, “The DOJ is pushing this entire thing, Eric Holder is one of the biggest race-baiters in this entire country,” adding “He runs that DOJ like the Black Panthers would.”
The discussion of the perpetuation of the unfounded depiction of Michael Brown as an innocent with his hands up in the air surrendering at the time he was killed leads to some criticism of the Attorney General.
Eric Holder indisputably played a major role in sustaining the unrest and the false narrative, and his efforts are likely far from over. Irrefutable evidence might not be enough to throw this political bloodhound off the trail.
Andrea Tantaros has some spot-on comments, equating the way the actions of AG Holder. She says, “The DOJ is pushing this entire thing, Eric Holder is one of the biggest race-baiters in this entire country,” adding “He runs that DOJ like the Black Panthers would.”
As Bob Beckel searches for his medication, painfully digesting what he has just heard, she adds one more jab saying, “Allowing them to be outside of that polling place was absolutely abominable,” a reference to his failure to prosecute the New Black Panthers in their blatant voter intimidation in Philadelphia.