Unidentified sources told the Sun-Times that the Cubs grounds crew supervisors sent 10 employees home on Thursday despite a weather forecast calling for thunderstorms “to linger” through Thursday and Friday. Consequently, the grounds crew was “undermanned.”
As if the long-suffering fans of the Chicago Cubs haven’t endured enough heartache these last 106 years, they are now seeing their games cut short because of Obamcare.
Onerous provisions of the Affordable Care Act were among the reasons the tarp crew for the notoriously losing baseball team failed miserably and pretty hilariously to cover the diamond inside Wrigley Field on Tuesday night during a sudden thunderstorm, reports the Chicago Sun-Times.
The umpiring crew called the game in the fifth inning with the Cubs leading 2-0.
The tarp flop resulted in a highly unusual ruling by Major League Baseball officials to uphold a protest by the San Francisco Giants, the Cubs’ opponent that night.
It was the first successful protest by a Major League baseball team since 1986.
The tarp fiasco was caused in part because the Cubs grounds crew is short-staffed this year. The short-staffing situation has in turn been caused by the decision by Cubs management to keep the seasonal workers who maintain the field working fewer than 130 hours each month.
Complete text and videos linked here.