Buchanan: Obama Will ‘Set the Country Completely on Fire’ with Executive Amnesty by Labor Day (Video)

On the Friday broadcast of “The McLaughlin Group,” columnist Pat Buchanan predicted that President Obama would grant amnesty to illegal immigrants via executive order by Labor Day and that such an action would “set the country completely on fire.”

After Washington Examiner Chief Congressional Correspondent Susan Ferrechio argued that “Democrats could gain from Hispanic voters turning out, especially if the president decides to take key executive actions in this summer that would help Hispanics who are here in the country, perhaps living here illegally. That could boost popularity for the party,” Buchanan responded “executive amnesty will set the country completely on fire. I do agree, it might get out the Hispanic vote, but you will have red state Democrats denouncing the president for doing it, for engaging in unconstitutional action. It would be a tremendous firestorm which would really polarize the nation.”

At the end of the show, when asked for his predictions, Buchanan said “Barack Obama will do some kind of amnesty for the illegal aliens by Labor Day.”

Video linked here at original source.

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