On Monday, a Rasmussen poll showed that a full 57 percent of black Americans believe that Officer Darren Wilson ought to be found guilty of murder for his shooting of unarmed 18-year-old black man Michael Brown. Meanwhile, 56 percent of white Americans believe there is not enough information to decide yet.
Clearly, the second position is correct. We simply do not have enough information at this point to determine whether Officer Wilson used excessive force, let alone whether he “executed” Brown, as the Brown family lawyers and Jesse Jackson claim. Wilson has not had a chance to tell his story; the police have not released the full narrative of his side. We do know that original reports that Brown was shot in the back were false; we know that Brown was hardly a “gentle giant” as he was portrayed in the media, given his strong-arm robbery of a convenience store minutes before the shooting; and new reports suggest that Wilson may have been beaten by Brown before the shooting.
But facts are of no relevance to many members of the black community, apparently. In June 2013, a poll showed that a full 86 percent of blacks believe that they do not get equal treatment under the law. Which means that for a huge swath of the black community, every time a black person and a white person are involved in a racial case, knee-jerk support for the black person is merited.
Complete text and video linked here.