See Who’s Been Spotted in Ferguson Trying to ‘Incite’ Riots and Mingling Among Group Armed With Molotov Cocktails (Video)

The presence of communist revolutionaries at the demonstrations is not unusual, however. Revolutionaries like Johnson and Morales seek to use chaos and unrest to further their radical agenda to transform America away from its capitalist system.

As the outraged community in Ferguson, Missouri, continues to protest the officer-involved shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown, radical communist revolutionaries from places like Chicago and New York City are seemingly infiltrating the local demonstrations and allegedly attempting to “incite” riots.

A video uploaded on YouTube Tuesday shows Gregory Lee Johnson, a veteran member of the Revolutionary Community Party, riling up a crowd and seemingly discouraging them from listening to police’s advice to calm things down. Watch that video here (Strong language warning):

St. Louis Alderman Antonio French also took notice of Johnson’s presence at demonstrations in Ferguson on Tuesday. He included a photo of Johnson among a group of men apparently trying to light Molotov cocktails:


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