He also criticized “the hustlers” Al Sharpton and MSNBC analyst Michael Eric Dyson’s suggestion that black males have to live in fear of being beaten, arrested, or shot by cops.
Wall Street Journal editorial board member Jason Riley said today on “Special Report” that it was “nonsense” for Obama to attribute black criminality like the riots happening in Ferguson to poverty and a racist justice system.
“The black crime rate in 1960 was lower than it is today. Was there less racism or less poverty” in the 60s, Riley asked.
“This is about black behavior. It needs to be addressed head-on. It’s about attitudes toward the criminal justice system in these neighborhoods, where young black men have no sense of what it means to be a male or to be black.”
And Obama “needs to talk about that head-on, not dismiss it as a product of poverty or racism–which is a dodge,” Riley added.
He also criticized “the hustlers” Al Sharpton and MSNBC analyst Michael Eric Dyson’s suggestion that black males have to live in fear of being beaten, arrested, or shot by cops.
“I know something about growing up black and male in the inner-city,” he said. “And it’s not that hard to avoid getting shot by the cops. They pull you over, you answer their questions, you’re on your way.”