Kevin Sorbo is perhaps best known for his role as Hercules in the hit series “Hercules: The Legendary Journey” that aired from 1995 – 2000. He has had a long and successful acting career on both television and the big screen that began in 1986 and continues to this day. One of his most recent roles is as Professor Radisson in the movie “God’s Not Dead” which will premiere on March 21st.
In recent years, Sorbo has become very vocal about his conservative political beliefs. He recently appeared on Newsmax TV’s The Steve Maltzberg Show and was quite candid about the state of politics in America today. Newsbusters reported on his appearance in which he addressed the use of racism to oppose those who oppose Democrat Barack Obama as well as the many scandals that have surrounded the Obama administration. He even stated what many Americans also believe, “Benghazi and the IRS are bigger than Watergate. If this were a Republican in office right now, they’d be screaming, the press would be screaming!”
Appearing on Maltzberg’s show Monday, Sorbo laughed at the idea that “In the last two elections if you didn’t vote for Obama you’re considered racist” and asked “what does racism have to do with it?” The star of Hercules went on to mock liberals who said they would vote for Obama “because he’s black, it would be cool to have a black president” which Sorbo argued is “racist” because “if I said I’m voting for McCain because he’s a white guy you’d call me a racist.” [See video beginning at 8:48 below.]
Complete text and video linked here.