Sweden: Somali Refugee Finds Political Correctness Unbearable

“Amun was threatened by other Somalis in Sweden for blowing the whistle on their jihadist activities. But she was also criticized by Swedish scribblers for blaspheming the belief that diversity is the highest good. As a result, she has given up on the West and is going back to Mogadishu.”

This refugee story is quite the opposite of what one usually sees. Instead of going straight to the welfare office for an array of free stuff, Somali woman Amun Abdullahi attempted to contribute to Swedish society by reporting as a journalist about the jihadist group Al-Shebaab, an al Qaeda spinoff, operating in a Swedish city.

Amun was ostracized and threatened by other Somalis residing in Sweden for blowing the whistle on their jihadist activities. But she was also criticized by Swedish scribblers for discussing an unpleasant topic that blasphemes the belief that diversity is the highest good. As a result, she has given up on the West and is going back to live in Mogadishu and work as a teacher.

It’s a shame that Swedish society couldn’t embrace a courageous woman willing to tell the truth about the largely hostile Muslim tribe which Sweden continues to import.


Complete text linked here.

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