“The Mexican cartels are the most pressing crime threat to the state of Texas, and frankly, to the country,” Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steven McCraw said. Specifically, the Zetas, he said, are “powerful and ruthless, and have so embraced the terrorist tactics.”
Some of the biggest threats facing the state of Texas this year are Mexican cartels, gangs and commercial motor vehicle crashes, especially in the Eagle Ford Shale area, Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steven McCraw said Monday during his keynote speech to the Texas Emergency Management Conference.
“Texas faces a full spectrum of threats, and our state’s vast size, geography and large population present unique challenges to public safety and homeland security,” McCraw said. “Accordingly, our emergency responders must be on guard every day.”
The opening day of the annual conference, which lasts through Thursday, attracted about 2,500 first responders, emergency managers and elected officials to the Convention Center.
Some of the state’s greatest concerns come from across the border, McCraw said.