“I see people being run through the mill or ending up in jail.” Nugent told Glenn, clarifying how people are “being demonized” simply for embracing their Second Amendment rights. The word “bear,” he explained, means you are “bearing” arms, not stowing them at the gun club miles away.
Encouraging Americans to use the “defiance and logic” born into us all, veteran rocker Ted Nugent appeared on the Glenn Beck Program Wednesday evening to discuss ideas of the Founding Fathers — freedom, liberty and eternal optimism.
The never-shy Nugent had strong words on America’s decline and particularly, for New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, who he accused of implementing the policies of King George. “Nug” also likened New York to an “anti-American zone” due to its Sullivan Law regarding American’s Second Amendement rights. The controversial gun control law requires New Yorkers to carry a license to possess firearms small enough to be concealed. Failure to comply with the license is a misdemeanor and carrying the gun is deemed a felony.
“I see people being run through the mill or ending up in jail.” Nugent told Glenn, clarifying how people are “being demonized” simply for embracing their Second Amendment rights. The word “bear,” he explained, means you are “bearing” arms, not stowing them at the gun club miles away.
Despite his belief that Americans’ freedoms are increasingly threatened, Nugent told Glenn that he has ”eternal glowing optimism that Americans are waking up.”
Glenn agreed, and warned, “if we become indifferent we lose.”
“We came to this new land in defiance of tyranny… to have the right to speak your own mind,” Nugent said. “I celebrate that.”