Libyan army deploys after deadly tribal clashes

“As of Friday evening, 464 people have been wounded,” Ismail said, adding that the city was gradually returning to normal. Tribal sources said on Wednesday that more than 100 people had been killed in the clashes that pitted Toubu against Zwai tribesmen.

The Libyan army entered the desert city of Kufra on Friday where after ethnic clashes there claimed 63 lives, military and medical sources said.

“The national army is in Kufra along with revolutionary brigades under the authority of the defense ministry,” Colonel Ali Al-Sheiki told AFP, adding that stability had now returned to the area.

Sanusi Ismail, health coordinator for the southeastern city, told AFP that ethnic clashes that erupted on February 12 claimed 63 lives and left 464 people wounded.

“Sixty-three people were killed during over a week of clashes in the city,” according to hospital records, he said.

The death toll was 35 Toubu tribesmen, 21 residents of Kufra of assorted tribal affiliations – the majority of them Zwai – five Chadians and two fighters from a Benghazi brigade.


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