These are not controversial ideas. In fact most honest sociologists and historians would be forced to admit they are incontrovertible. Nonetheless, they are uncomfortable ideas, so smart folks who wish to be popular with the press and the political class are not supposed to write them.
Media commentator and former Presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan was recently fired by MSNBC for writing what they believed were controversial things in his new book, Suicide of a Superpower. Buchanan’s central premise is that he believes the United States is a nation in decline because its culture is disintegrating. That is hardly a controversial notion for anyone that does not feed exclusively at the trough of political correctness. But for the inteligencia that controls MSNBC and much of the rest of the popular media, this is hate speech.
Buchanan believes cultural Marxists replaced economic Marxists in the 1960’s as the greatest threat to traditional American values. After four decades of victim mongering and thought policing by the media and academia, a new dominant cultural narrative has replaced the freedom, family, and personal responsibility narrative that prevailed in the United States for the first two hundred years of its existence. Buchanan believes Christianity is largely responsible for upholding the traditional values above, and that as Christianity has declined, so has the culture. Buchanan also believes the Euro-ethnic foundation of the United States contributed to the great success this nation has achieved in such a short time period because the European settlers promoted ideas and values that were exceptional.