The move prompted the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals to express outrage to the White House.
Michele Bachmann
GOP presidential hopeful Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., says the move that has begun in the Democrat-dominated U.S. Senate to make bestiality in the military legal is “absolutely abhorrent, reprehensible.”
“You’re thinking we live in a culture … now we’ve embraced barbarism,” she told Glenn Beck on his web television program tonight.
She was reacting to the report from Washington that the Senate voted for a plan that overturns the military’s ban on bestiality.
The move prompted the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals to express outrage to the White House.
Les Kinsolving, WND’s correspondent at the White House, had asked press secretary Jay Carney, “The Family Research Council and CNS News both reported a 93-to-7 U.S. Senate vote to approve a defense authorization bill that, quote, ‘includes a provision which not only repeals the military law on sodomy, but also repeals the military ban on sex with animals, or bestiality.’ Does the commander in chief approve or disapprove of bestiality in our armed forces?”