Conservative humorist Alfonzo Rachel talks about Race

As white people we’re told if you say anything about racism you’re a racist. If you don’t say anything about race, you’re a racist. In other words, we can’t win.

This past summer I spent an entire day with PJTV’s AlfonZo Rachel at his Macho Sauce Productions studios. AlfonZo has some amazing upcoming projects including an appearance in the new movie Runaway Slave which will be opening in January.

Since Barack Obama took office in 2008, his administration has seemingly been trying to create huge race/class divisions between Conservatives and liberals. Almost daily someone in the media comes out swinging their race card, trying to vilify Conservatives and/or the Tea Party.

For years, AlfonZo Rachel has been creating brilliant mini history lessons via his PJTV videos, telling the truth about the huge role Democrats have played in everything from perpetuating slavery, forming the KKK and fighting against the Civil Rights movement. Following is part 1 of 4 of the interview I conducted with AlfonZo about race relations in America 2011.

A-M: AlfonZo, as white people we’re told if you say anything about racism you’re a racist. If you don’t say anything about race, you’re a racist. In other words, we can’t win. The Black Caucus has said the Tea Party wants to lynch people; actor Morgan Freeman said people don’t want Obama to be reelected because he’s Black. What do we do?

AZ: As always, the Democrats try to control the narrative and in this case they want to make sure the accusations come out and they pretend that Republicans are the ones who started this whole thing. It’s all projection, all smoke and mirrors. All these things Black people are angry about, it wasn’t white people in general that did this to them, it was Democrats-white Democrats. Whether it was trying to keep slavery legal, white Democrats. Whether it was when Republicans got their way and abolished slavery, Democrats had a hissy fit and formed the Ku Klux Klan. That was Democrats. Jim Crowe laws, Dred Scott decisions, revocation of Civil Rights, this was all Democrats-Republicans didn’t have anything to do with that. But the Democrats know what gets them votes. At the times, if you were Democrat that was a way to get votes. The Southern region wanted to be able to force people into slavery. There was slavery in the North, too, but the difference between slavery in the North and the South was if Republicans freed slaves, what would happen is Democrats would force the freed slaves into slavery. At the time, the safest place for a Black person to be was in slavery with the Republicans. Republicans kept slaves in a lot of ways for their protection because if they let them go, they were going to get caught by Democrats who would enslave them brutally. So as it is right now, Democrats want to change and throw slavery back onto the Republicans and it’s just not us. We had nothing to do with it.


Original source.

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