PC curse coming to your town

If more than half of the following statements apply to your hometown, you, too, could have trouble, trouble right here in River City.

Brookline reclaimed its crown this week as Massachusetts’ premier People’s Republic. Muddy River remains the capital of Political Correctness — take that Arlington and Cambridge and Amherst.

Imagine a guy like Martin Rosenthal, who’s basically willing to devote his life to one issue — banning the Pledge of Allegiance in a single town, or at least trying to. Rosenthal is truly a moonbat’s moonbat, and boy does he live in the right town.

How far gone is Massachusetts when the governor is petrified to take a stand on whether the Pledge of Allegiance should be banned in public schools? I thought we got rid of Mike Dukakis 20 years ago.

But it’s spreading, this curse of Political Correctness.

Perhaps you’ve noticed subtle changes in your community — the DPW no longer puts enough salt on the roads in the winter to properly melt the ice, supposedly to protect the “aquifer,” in reality to hamstring people who actually have real jobs and have to drive automobiles and trucks for a living.


Original source.

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